Committee on Vitality Responsibilities

Congregational Ministry

  • Connect with every congregation to recognize and celebrate congregational ministries and good practices, as a ministry of presence and to build trusting relationships.
  • Promote partnership and prevent isolation by facilitating and supporting connections among congregations, through supporting active clusters, the Small Church Network, and others.
  • Work with and develop tools for congregational leaders in discerning their unique purpose and pursuing options for congregational health and vitality which may include faith formation for all ages. 
  • Develop helpful tools for assisting congregations in understanding and addressing congregational life cycles including the possibility of closure with dignity.
  • Promote coaching as a means of helping congregations achieve goals by providing training and guidance.

Leadership Development

  • Recruit leaders and provide a variety of learning opportunities that will train and inspire current and future leaders for their various roles
  • Provide a process for the review of session records.
  • Develop and promote the use of a resource connection network to provide information, tools, and expertise.
  • Use the gifts of leaders within the Presbytery to provide expertise, training, and guidance on a variety of skills and practices.
  • Promote PC (U.S.A.), Synod of the Northeast, and neighboring presbytery leadership training events.